Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Addams Family at the SCERA Center for the Performing Arts

Last night I had the chance to see The Addams Family at the SCERA Center for the Performing Arts. This is such a fun show and I thoroughly enjoyed this production! The Addams family is not like other families because they are all obsessed with the macabre and rely on their dead ancestors, including a conquistador (Daniel Cespedes), a saloon girl (Emily Thompson), a caveman (Kooper Throckmorton), a 1950s girl (Olivia Hymas), a Civil War soldier (Brennan Salazar), a flight attendant (Tiffany Gibbons), a Puritan (Austin Simcox), a flapper (Emma Rollins),a pirate (Scott Welty), a nurse (Samantha Osmond), an aristocrat (Brenner Finch), and a ballerina (Savannah Ogden), to help them through life. Things start to go wrong when Wednesday (Sydney Swalberg) falls in love with a normal Midwestern boy named Lucas Beineke (Danny Kenny). She wants to introduce his uptight parents, Mal (Joel Griffiths) and Alice (Lauren Slagowski), to her family which includes her father Gomez (Garrett Smit), her mother Morticia (Lauren Billings), her brother Pugsley (Iuli Peters), her uncle Fester (Samuel Benson), her Grandma (Alyssa Perez), and their undead butler Lurch (Merick Masters). She arranges a dinner party and begs her family for just one normal night.  Chaos ensues when a mishap happens involving one of Grandma's poisonous potions and a game of full disclosure goes awry! It is up to Uncle Fester, with the help of the ancestors, to convince everyone that love is the answer! My favorite part of this production is the choreography and I especially enjoyed all of the big song and dance numbers involving the ancestors, such as "When You're An Addams," "But Love," "Secrets," "The Moon and Me," and "Move Toward the Darkness." The entire cast is outstanding but Smit and Billings are absolutely perfect as Gomez and Morticia! I laughed out loud at just about everything they said and did! Smit is quite the Latin lover in "Trapped" and "Not Today," Billings is an absolute hoot in "Just Around the Corner," especially her interactions with the Grim Reaper and the fantastic kick-line with the ancestors, and the two of them are incredibly sultry together in "Tango De Amor." The costumes are a lot of fun, especially Morticia's slinky gown, Gomez's pinstripe suit, and Wednesday's black and purple houndstooth dress.  The costumes for all of the ancestors are quite elaborate with lots of quirky details to enhance the characterization for each of them (every production that I have seen of this show has had its own distinctive group of ancestors).  The set of the Addams home is fantastic with a central staircase, a fireplace, patterned wallpaper in greens and golds, portraits of the ancestors, and a panel that opens up to reveal a Medieval torture chamber. There is also a backdrop featuring a cemetery with gravestones and a wrought iron gate and this, along with the use of fog, creates a very spooky atmosphere. This is a perfect show for Halloween (my favorite holiday) and is particularly appropriate for the whole family because of the message about the importance of families!  It runs through Oct. 8 and tickets may be purchased here.

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