Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Jagged Little Pill in Las Vegas

I have been a huge fan of Alanis Morissette ever since I heard the album Jagged Little Pill for the first time so the musical based on her music has been near the top of my must-see list for a really long time!  When I found out that it was part of the Broadway Las Vegas 2022-2023 season I immediately got a ticket and planned a little road trip.  People always think I'm crazy to drive such a long distance just to see a show but I had so much fun and I loved Jagged Little Pill!  The show includes most of the songs from Jagged Little Pill, including "All I Really Want," "You Oughta Know," "Perfect," "Hand in Pocket," "Forgiven," "You Learn," "Head Over Feet," "Mary Jane," "Ironic," "Not the Doctor," and "Wake Up," but it also includes songs from Morissette's other albums as well, including "So Unsexy," "So Pure," "That I Would Be Good," "Your House," "Unprodigal Daughter," "Uninvited," and snippets of "Hands Clean" and "Thank U."  Morissette also wrote the song "Smiling" especially for the show and it was one of the highlights for me!  I knew that I would love the music but I also found the story to be incredibly compelling!  The Healy family appears to be the perfect upper middle class suburban family but under the surface each of them are dealing with complicated issues.  Mary Jane (Heidi Blickenstaff) has become addicted to opioids after a car crash and an incident brings to light a past trauma that she has been repressing.  Her husband Steve (Chris Hoch) knows that something is wrong but he can't reach her so he retreats to his job more and more.  Her adopted daughter Frankie (Lauren Chanel), who is Black, is struggling to find her identity, her sexuality, and her voice about important causes she believes in while her son Nick (Dillon Klena) is buckling under the weight of his parents' high expectations.  Through their pain they learn that the most important thing is to love and accept each other.  There are many scenes that were so powerful and poignant that the audience spontaneously erupted in very enthusiastic cheering and applause and I was incredibly moved multiple times.  I especially loved the staging of "Smiling" as Mary Jane lives her day in reverse while trying to keep up appearances because the choreography is clever, particularly the soul cycle sequence, of "Forgiven" because Blickenstaff just about blows the roof off of the Smith Center as Mary Jane visits a church to deal with her trauma for the first time, of "You Oughta Know" when Jade McLeod, as Frankie's girlfriend Jo, accuses her of abandoning her for the new boy at school in a performance that generated a mid-show standing ovation, and finally of "Uninvited" (my favorite Morissette song) as Mary Jane literally wrestles with her younger self in order to continue repressing her trauma.  Also, the staging of "Ironic," when Frankie recites a poem in English class and is told by her classmates that she isn't using irony correctly, is proof that Morissette has a sense of humor!  I loved the performances, the dynamic choreography executed by the talented ensemble, the minimal sets and projections, and the message about healing so it was definitely worth the six hour drive!  If it ever comes to SLC I will probably see it multiple times!

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