Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Another highly acclaimed film that I was unable to see at Sundance this year was Happening but it is now playing at the Broadway so I had the opportunity last night.  It is incredibly timely, given what is happening with Roe v. Wade in this country right now, and very powerful.  Anne (Anamaria Vartolomei) is a bright and talented university student in France in the early 1960s.  Her parents are working class owners of a cafe who have sacrificed much to enable her to go to school and they are justifiably proud of her accomplishments.  When she learns that she is unexpectedly pregnant, she sees her promising future slipping away.  However, she doesn't have many options because abortion is illegal.  She tries to persuade several people, including two different doctors, to help her get one but they all fear the possibility of prison and refuse to even speak about it.  Exams are looming and she becomes more and more desperate so, despite the pain, she attempts to terminate the pregnancy herself with a knitting needle but is unsuccessful.  Eventually, she finds someone willing to perform an abortion in secret but is forced to sell most of her possessions to pay for it and suffers devastating consequences.  The fact that Anne is not able to get a safe abortion is appalling, in my opinion, but I also found the shaming that she endures from the other girls in her dormitory for being sexually active to be just as deplorable.  There is a very poignant scene where one of Anne's friends confesses that she had a relationship over the summer and the only reason she didn't get pregnant is because she is luckier than Anne.  Vartolomei gives an affecting central performance in which Anne's despair is palpable.  The scenes involving Anne's two attempts at an abortion are quite visceral and very difficult to watch but there is another scene where she cries silently that is absolutely gut-wrenching.  This film is set in the 1960s but it may as well be today, which is a terrifying thought, and for that reason it should be seen by everyone.

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